Time spent on social networks: 2017 vs 2016

Time spent on social networks: 2017 vs 2016

Verto Analytics publishes a study whose objective is to evaluate the time we spend on mobile applications, especially on social networks. Main lesson: we spend 43% less time on Facebook, compared to last year’s data. But the social network remains No. 1, largely.

-43% of time spent on Facebook in 2017 

In October 2017, we spent an average of 18 hours and 24 minutes on Facebook, in 173 sessions of 6 minutes and 23 seconds. 

Here are the figures obtained in October 2017 by Verto Analytics:

  • Facebook: 18h24 per month, 173 sessions, 6min23 per session
  •  Snapchat: 4 hours a month, 144 sessions, 1m40 per session 
  • Twitter: 3h02 per month, 32 sessions, 5m44 per session 
  • Instagram: 2 hours a month, 47 sessions, 2m33 per session 
  • Reddit: 2 hours a month, 23 sessions, 9m27 per session 
  • Facebook Messenger: 1h34 per month, 67 sessions, 1m25 per session 
  • Pinterest: 1h07 per month, 15 sessions, 4m27 per session

temps passe reseaux sociaux octobre 2017 Time spent on social networks: 2017 vs 2016

In September 2016, we spent an average of 32 hours and 43 minutes on Facebook, in 311 sessions of 6 minutes and 18.

And here are the figures obtained in September 2016 by Verto Analytics:

  • Facebook: 32h43 a month, 311 sessions, 6m18 per session 
  • Snapchat: 3h03 per month, 119 sessions, 1m32 per session 
  • Twitter: 2:37 a month, 37 sessions, 4m12 per session 
  • Instagram: 1h54 per month, 50 sessions, 2m16 per session 
  • Pinterest: 1h16 a month, 19 sessions, 4m02 per session 
  • Facebook Messenger: 0h54 per month, 64 sessions, 0m51 per session 
  • Reddit: 0h20 a month, 4 sessions, 4m46 per session

temps passe reseaux sociaux septembre 2016 1 Time spent on social networks: 2017 vs 2016

This study by Verto Analytics is interesting because it allows to qualify the quarterly figures of social networks. 

Twitter and others report on the number of active users per month. All you need to do is visit twitter.com once in the month to be considered a monthly active user. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat favor the number of active users per day, a data better representative of the use. But the time spent and the number of sessions per month makes it possible to notice other trends, difficult to observe via official figures published by social networks.



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